Article I- So You're Considering 

Writing A Book?

Chyrel J. Jackson

Have you noticed that everyone is writing books? Folks feel like they have something to say and want that something published. Whether or not it's actually good only the public in time will make that final determination and validation.

These are just my thoughts they aren't sure fire methods for you to follow step by step to write and publish your very own book just what ultimately worked for me when writing and Self-publishing my very first book. They are suggestions or a loose guide that can be followed to help you navigate your very own self-publishing process.

With that being said, let's jump right in. God is the reason for everything so God took a small desire, and the talent that he so freely gives us all and made the impossible, possible. I knew after I received the author's proof copy that I alone and of myself could not produce something so amazing. I'm not boasting but you absolutely want your finished book to be a WOW factor. How? Industry professionals. Graphic artists, Interior designers, and Editors can all help bring your phenomenal book to life. There are one stop shops via online as Fiverr. Fiverr houses all of these professionals in one space that you may utilize to help you in your self-publishing efforts. This is not a free service you will have to wisely shop amongst these professionals then select from them to help you create your book/novel. I have provided links at the bottom of the article

I self-published my book. Why? Honestly that was the only option that made the most sense for me personally. The idea of no guarantee that my book would ever be selected by a major publishing house was certainly a deterrent. All of the money spent on postage and having your manuscript collecting dust in a pile on the desk of someone just wasn't appealing for me. Additionally, the whole auction block treatment of having someone control your book content, the final page count, what that said content could or could not be was suffocating and stifling. Publishers all had this one alike control feature that I found to be most unappealing. There just isn't the same freedom working with a publisher that is had when one self-publishes.

Self-publishing simply made the most sense in helping get our book available in a reasonably short period of time. My father is ill and I had to get our book finished while he was still healthy enough to enjoy reading our work. Timing is crucial. You can literally have your finished product available for public consumption in as soon as 1-6 months. This is one of the pro reasons for choosing to self-publish your own work. You are not at the mercy of someone else's time constraints.

You have thought about it and made the decision to have your book published. After you do this; immediately safeguard and protect your work. Make certain it is properly registered with the Library of Congress. Apply for your copyright application immediately. This should begin as soon as your manuscript is finished. Receiving a copyright can take anywhere from 6-months up to 1-year. Please understand that this process is very lengthy and also extremely costly. Ask questions no matter how exhausting. Take down names of the people that you speak with. This process can be done on-line so it is reasonably easy to navigate. Lock down the copyright immediately. I see a lot of talented writers in their zeal of writing working against themselves by sharing unprotected works that are not properly or adequately protected. If your work has not been registered through the Library of Congress and you have not obtained your registered certification do not share your work via any online source or outlet. Please see link posted below for copyright.

Think about it this way. If Mary's writings are posted via social media and I have access to them why would I invest in Mary's book once it becomes available? I know it's tempting to want to get your work in front of people and receive their feedback but know you can do this in other constructive ways besides making it so readily and easy for people to copy, plagiarize, and just outright steal your work. DON'T DO IT!!!!!

You have decided what story you're telling, its overall messaging and who your target audience will be, you have protected your work and your ready to have your work published.

It sounds like a lot of work because it is but you can become published don't get overwhelmed or discouraged. Know that it is not easy by any means you will make many stumbles along the way.

I'm here to help you though so tune in on our blog for further information that will be posted here as I will continue to leave information here to help you in your self-published author destination.

Stay Tuned: Article II- Topic of discussion will be Self-publishing Vs. Publisher/Publishing House

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  • (202)707-3000 or 1 (877) 476-0778 (toll free)

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